About Us


Chief Executive Officer at Hairgeniks

Health, fitness & beauty has been the core of Karen Adams’ focus her entire adult life. Born and raised in New York City, this mother of three had an interest in fitness starting at an early age. Karen started her career as a certified trainer at Bally’s Total Fitness where her people skills, marketing savvy and an eye for future development and opportunities became apparent to upper management.

Karen quickly rose through the ranks at Bally, finally garnering a position as a member of the Executive Management Team. There, she played a key role in opening new facilities, enhancing the company’s brand and creating strategic marketing plans. Karen was later instrumental in the
successful launch of The Vertical Club and since its inception, Crunch and Equinox Fitness Clubs as well. 

Ready for a new challenge, Karen relocated to the West Coast 3-years ago, where she met Suzie. Together they founded Hairgeniks, a hair growth product for men and women utilizing all natural FDA approved ingredients. Hairgeniks stimulates hair growth, fights hair loss and reactivates hair follicles.


You can contact us at hairgeniks@gmail.com